Page 75 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 75

During the year, the Health and Safety Committee   (retired), and Mark Whitehead are also directors of
                   was chaired by Craig McCord and Ngaire Mansfield.   companies which regularly trade with Plumbing World
                   John DeBernardo and Peter Faul were members of the   on normal trading terms.
                                                               John DeBernardo and Stu McIvor (retired) have
                   MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE                        separate interests in two properties that are leased
                                                               to Plumbing World. Both properties have formal lease
                   The Membership Committee reviews and manages   agreements in place and rent is based on commercial
                   all governance matters related to shareholder   leasing valuation rates.  In April 2020, John DeBernardo
                   membership and liaises with Master Plumbers,   advised that he had disposed of his interest in the
                   Gasfitters and Drainlayers NZ Inc. During the year, the   property leased to Plumbing World.
                   Membeship Committee was chaired by Stu McIvor
                   (retired), then Craig McCord. Ngaire Mansfield and John   RISK MANAGEMENT
                   Leen were also members of the committee.
                                                               Risk is a normal part of business which NZPM
                   REMUNERATION COMMITTEE                      Group proactively manages through a formal risk
                                                               management framework.
                   The Remuneration Committee makes
                   recommendations to the board in respect of the   The purpose of the framework is to improve the
                   terms of employment, remuneration policies and   likelihood of the co-operative achieving its business
                   arrangements and appointment of the senior executive   objectives including safety, prevention of the loss of
                   group. During the year, members of the Remuneration   shareholder value, prevention of damage to or loss
                   Committee were Mark Whitehead (Chair), John   of property, preventing damage to the environment
                   DeBernardo, and Kathy Meads.                in which the company operates, and protecting the
                                                               reputation of the company.
                                                               The framework allocates responsibility for risk
                                                               identification, risk control systems and processes,
                   It is proposed that Deloitte continue in office in
                   accordance with Section 200 of the Companies    description and measurement of the impact of risk,
                   Act 1993.                                   likelihood of the risk occurring and risk mitigation.
                                                               The board ensures each director receives appropriate
                   USE OF THE COMPANY INFORMATION              information on critical risks and the manner in which
                                                               these are managed or mitigated. This process
                   During the year NZPM Group received no notice from
                   the directors requesting to use company information,   includes site visits by directors and senior executives
                   received in their capacity as directors, which would not   to observe treatment of operational and safety risks,
                   otherwise have been available to them.      specialist reviews and advice from technical experts,
                                                               regular reports on risk management practices and
                   DONATIONS                                   identification of liability issues to ensure relevant risks
                                                               receive the appropriate focus.
                   During the year the NZPM Group gave donations and
                   sponsorship of $19,448 (2019: $21,350).     DIRECTOR REMUNERATION
                   INSURANCE OF DIRECTORS                      The remuneration of the board takes into account
                                                               the scope and complexity of the company and the
                   The NZPM Group has arranged directors’ and officers’   responsibilities of the directors and is reviewed on an
                   liability insurance that covers directors and executives   annual basis using a specialist independent adviser.
                   for personal liability pursuant to the Companies Act
                                                               The total maximum remuneration payable to
                   1993. The Group has provided an indemnity to each of
                                                               the directors of NZPM Group is approved by the
                   the directors, general managers and the Group CFO.
                                                               shareholders at the Annual Meeting and apportioned
                                                               by the directors. The current board remuneration of
                   DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS
                                                               $495,000 was approved at the Annual Meeting held on
                   John DeBernardo, Peter Faul, Alister Lawrence (retired),   16 August 2019.
                   John Leen, Ngaire Mansfield, Craig McCord, Stu McIvor

                                               NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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