Page 76 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 76

No directors received any other benefit that was   That in the opinion of the board of directors, NZPM
                 additional to his or her total remuneration.  Group Ltd has throughout the financial year ended 31
                                                             March 2020 been a co-operative company as defined
                 In addition to the remuneration, the NZPM Group   by Section 3 of the Co-operative Companies Act 1996.
                 constitution provides for the payment of director
                 retirement allowances.                      The reasons for this opinion are that the company has:

                 The directors have previously resolved that at the   a.  Supplied their voting shareholders with goods
                 discretion of all other directors, a retirement allowance   and services via a subsidiary company; and
                 may be paid to any non-executive director on their   b.  Retained the one vote per transacting
                 cessation of office at the rate of 5% of the aggregate of   shareholder rule; and
                 the highest three financial years remuneration paid to
                 such director, for each year of service as a director of   c.  Continued to promote the principles of the
                 the company.                                    co-operative enterprise.

                 CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY
                 Pursuant to Section 10 of the Co-operative Companies
                 Act 1996 on 2 July 2020, the directors resolved:


                 The directors received the following remuneration from NZPM Group in respect of the year ended 31 March 2020.
                                                             Directors fees   Retirement
                  Director                                                                remuneration
                                                                      ($)   allowance ($)
                  J DeBernardo                                    110,038             -        110,038

                  P Faul  1                                        37,011             -         37,011
                  A Lawrence  2,3                                  18,774        41,083         59,857

                  J Leen  1                                        37,011             -         37,011
                  N Mansfield  3                                   56,519             -         56,519

                  C McCord  3                                      57,636             -         57,636
                  S McIvor  2,3                                    18,774        69,750         88,524

                  K Meads  3                                       57,636             -         57,636
                  M Whitehead  4                                   59,136             -         59,136

                 1  Mr Faul and Mr Leen were elected to the board on 16 August 2019.
                 2  Mr Lawrence and Mr McIvor retired from the board on 16 August 2019.
                 3  Includes $2,000 per annum to undertake the role of a chair of a committee (part year for Mrs Mansfield).
                 4  Includes $4,000 per annum to undertake the role of a chair of two committees (part year for the second committee).

                                             NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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