Page 17 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 17

Continuing to invest in our people is a core principle

                          and is essential to support our service reputation in

                       the market, retain our best people and ultimately grow
                                          returns for our shareholders.

               Garry Rosenberg                 Karin Cunningham                Lisa McLean
               Imports Development Manager     National Commercial Manager     Human Resources Manager
               Responsible for growing and expanding the   Responsible for national customer accounts   Lisa is responsible for our people strategy —
               Plumbing World imports programme. Garry   and commercial contract supply and pricing.   developing, retaining and rewarding our staff.
               joined the team in 2003.        Karin joined Plumbing World in 2012.  Lisa joined the team in 2016.

               Mark Gregan                     Richard Barnes                  Sarah Vining
               Digital and Technology Manager  Sales and Operations Manager    Marketing Manager
               Mark is responsible for the Digital & Technology   Richard is responsible for customer   Sarah is responsible for all aspects of the
               strategy for all NZPM business units. Mark joined   relationships, sales and operations across the   Marketing function for Plumbing World
               the team in August 2018.        Plumbing World branch network. Richard joined   and NZPM. Sarah joined Plumbing World
                                               Plumbing World in September 2018.  21 years ago.

                                               NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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