Page 18 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 18


                                       & SAFETY

                               Health and Safety continues to be a core

                                      strategic pillar for NZPM Group.

                 Our strategy is to continue improving our health and   Over the last year we have continued to review our
                 safety performance through embedding healthy, safe   processes and standard operating procedures to
                 and sustainable practices into our work culture, so that   ensure they are robust, yet simple, to manage the
                 good behaviours are part of the way we work and   risks of our daily work.  Our procedures for managing
                 operate every day.                          hazardous substances were updated and a new
                                                             comprehensive in-house eLearning module was
                 Preventing injuries is a matter we take seriously,   developed for our staff.
                 therefore addressing areas of risk within our business is
                 a high priority.  On both a local and national basis, our   NZPM has a target to occupy buildings with a minimum
                 teams proactively identify ways to reduce risks, address   seismic rating of no less than 67%.  Over the last year,
                 issues, identify improvements, and build engagement   a considerable amount of assessment work was
                 towards a positive culture.                 undertaken on our buildings to identify work required
                                                             and prioritise buildings in high risk areas. We will
                 Our safety performance has continued to improve   continue to work with our building owners to upgrade
                 year-on-year, with once again, record levels of near   properties on a case-by-case basis, and where it is not
                 miss reporting, and a reduction in the frequency and   practical or economic to upgrade a particular building,
                 severity of injuries.  Our lost time injury days reduced   we will consider relocation at the time of the next lease
                 from five to two days and total recordable injury   agreement renewal.
                 frequency rate (injuries per million hours worked)
                 reduced from 15.1 to 7.7.  There were no notifiable injuries   NZPM has completed a comprehensive review with all
                 to WorkSafe during this year or the prior year.  our properties to confirm if asbestos is present in any
                                                             building that we occupy. Where asbestos has been
                 Whilst our improved safety performance is   identified, we have either had the product removed or
                 encouraging, we continue to target a zero harm   have introduced a site specific management plan to
                 workplace.  There is always opportunity for   minimise our risk.
                 improvement and our emphasis on lead indicator
                 reporting highlights the areas for focus and further   Wellness and mental health continues to be important
                 improvement.                                to us.  In October 2019, Plumbing World ran a six week
                                                             Step.It.Up challenge where employees recorded their
                 Our directors and executives devote significant time    daily steps with positive outcomes of improved health
                 to review operations and understand current   and fitness, fun and team work.  Earlier this year we
                 issues and we continue to invest in new equipment,   introduced a mental health wallet card to help people
                 technology and training to support our operations    identify and support those struggling with mental
                 and mitigate risk.                          health, and following positive feedback, we made

                                             NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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