Page 31 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 31


                  As at 31 March 2017

                                                                                            2017        2016
                                                                                           $’000       $’000

                   Current assets:
                   Cash and cash equivalents                                               1,486        337
                   Trade and other receivables                                    9        28,353     29,290
                   Derivative financial instruments                               16          61          0
                   Inventories                                                    10       30,304     29,474
                   Total current assets                                                    60,204     59,101

                   Non-current assets:
                   Property, plant and equipment                                  11       4,118       4,338
                   Intangible assets                                              12       8,861       8,733
                   Investments in associates                                      13       2,627       2,635
                   Deferred tax assets                                            6        1,816       2,084
                   Total non-current assets:                                               17,422     17,790
                   Total assets                                                            77,626     76,891

                   LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

                   Current liabilities:
                   Trade and other payables                                       14       23,887     22,788
                   Loans and borrowings                                           15         922       1,032
                   Derivative financial instruments                               16           0         40
                   Provisions                                                     17       2,594       1,997
                   Current tax liabilities                                                   818        188
                   Co-operative share capital                                     18           0        597
                   Total current liabilities:                                              28,221     26,642

                   Non-current liabilities:
                   Loans and borrowings                                           15       6,781       9,703
                   Derivative financial instruments                               16         736       1,217
                   Provisions                                                     17         589        514
                   Co-operative share capital                                     18       25,656     25,479
                   Total non-current liabilities:                                          33,762     36,913
                   Total liabilities                                                       61,983     63,555

                   Net assets                                                              15,643     13,336
                   Retained earnings                                                       15,643     13,336

                   Total equity                                                            15,643     13,336
                  The accompanying notes form part of and are to be read in conjunction with these financial statements.

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