Page 36 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 36



            For the year ended 31 March 2017

            between the Group and its associates are       FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION
            eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in
            the investee.                                  Functional currency
                                                           Items included in the financial statements of each
            Where a business combination is achieved in    of the Group’s entities are measured using the
            stages, previously held equity interests in the   currency of the primary economic environment
            acquiree are remeasured to fair value at the   in which the entity operates (the “functional
            acquisition date and any corresponding gain or   currency”).
            loss is recognised in the statement of financial
            performance.                                   Transactions and balances
                                                           Transactions in foreign currencies are translated
            Subsidiaries and associates                    to New Zealand dollars at rates approximating
            Subsidiaries are all entities over which the Group   the foreign exchange rates ruling at  the dates of
            has control. The Group controls an entity when   the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities
            the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable   denominated in foreign currencies at the balance
            returns from its involvement with the entity and has   date are translated to New Zealand dollars at
            the ability to affect those returns through its power   foreign exchange rates ruling at that date. Non-
            to direct the activities of the entity. Subsidiaries are   monetary assets and liabilities that are measured
            included in the consolidated financial statements   in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are
            using the acquisition method of  consolidation,   translated using the exchange rate at the date
            from the date control commences until the date   of the transaction. Foreign exchange gains or
            control ceases.                                losses are recognised in the statement of financial
                                                           performance, except when deferred in equity.
            Associates are entities over which the Group has
            significant influence but not control. Investments   VALUATION OF ASSETS
            in associates are accounted for using the equity
            method and are measured in the statement of    Property, plant and equipment
            financial position at cost plus post-acquisition   Owned assets
            changes in the Group’s share of net assets,
            less dividends. Goodwill relating to associates   Items of property, plant and equipment are
            is included in the carrying amount of the      stated at cost or deemed cost less accumulated
            investment.  If the carrying amount of the equity   depreciation and accumulated impairment
            accounted investment exceeds its recoverable   losses. Cost includes expenditure that is directly
            amount, it is written down to the latter. When   attributable to the acquisition of the item and in
            the Group’s share of accumulated losses in an   bringing the asset to the location and working
            associate equals or exceeds its carrying value, the   condition for its intended use. Where significant
            Group does not recognise further losses, unless it   parts of an item of property, plant and equipment
            has incurred obligations or made payments on   have different useful lives, they are accounted
            behalf of the associate.                       for separately.

            Fair values are assigned to the identifiable assets   Capital Work In Progress
            and liabilities of subsidiaries and associates of the   Amounts expended on ‘capital work in progress’
            Group at the date they are acquired. Acquisition   are capitalised until such time as the asset is
            related costs are expensed as incurred.        placed in service and then is transferred to
                                                           property, plant and equipment or intangible
                                                           assets and is depreciated or amortised from
                                                           that date.

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