Page 34 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 34



            For the year ended 31 March 2017

            1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES                         Basis of measurement
                                                           The consolidated financial statements have
                                                           been prepared on the historical cost basis, with
            REPORTING ENTITY                               the exception of certain items as identified in the
                                                           specific accounting policies.
            The consolidated financial statements presented
            are those of the NZPM Group (‘the Group’),
            comprising NZPM Group Limited (‘the company’   These consolidated financial statements are
            or ‘NZPM’) and its subsidiaries and the Group’s   expressed in New Zealand dollars which is the
            associates as at 31 March 2017.                Group’s presentation currency. All financial
                                                           information has been rounded to the nearest
                                                           thousand ($’000) unless otherwise stated.
            The Group is primarily involved in the provision of
            plumbing supplies.
                                                           Use of accounting estimates and judgements
                                                           The preparation of financial statements requires
            STATUTORY BASE                                 the use of certain critical accounting estimates.
                                                           It also requires the directors to exercise their
            NZPM is a co-operative. It is a profit-orientated
            company incorporated and domiciled in New      judgement in the process of applying the Group
            Zealand. The address of the registered office is   accounting policies. Estimates and associated
            Metrix Building, 155 The Strand, Parnell, Auckland.   assumptions are based on historical experience
            The company changed its name from NZ           and other factors, as appropriate to the particular
            Plumbers’ Merchants Limited on 14 August 2008.   circumstances. The Group reviews the estimates
            NZPM is registered in New Zealand under the    and assumptions on an ongoing basis.
            Companies Act 1993 and the Co-operative
            Companies Act 1996 and is a FMC reporting      Areas involving a higher degree of judgement
            entity under the Financial Markets Conduct     or complexity, or areas where assumptions
            Act 2013. The financial statements have been   and estimates are significant to the financial
            prepared in accordance with the Financial      statements, are disclosed within the specific
            Markets Conduct Act 2013, the Financial        accounting policy or note. These include goodwill
            Reporting Act 2013 and the Companies Act 1993.   impairment (note 12), provision for obsolete
                                                           inventory and shrinkage (note 10), and provision
                                                           for credit notes and allowance for doubtful debts
            BASIS OF PREPARATION                           (note 9).

            The Group prepares its consolidated financial
            statements in accordance with New Zealand      SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES
            Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (‘NZ
            GAAP’). NZ GAAP consists of New Zealand        Significant accounting policies applied by the
            equivalents to International Financial Reporting   Group during the year are set out below and
            Standards (‘NZ IFRS’) and other applicable     have been applied consistently to all  periods
            financial reporting standards. These financial   presented in these consolidated financial
            statements comply with NZ IFRS and International   statements. There have been no changes to
            Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’).        accounting policies apart from the application of
                                                           new standards adopted by the Group during the
                                                           year as disclosed.
            The consolidated financial statements were
            approved by the board of directors on
            29 June 2017.

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