Page 45 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 45

               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020

                                                                                            2020       2019
                                                                                            $’000     $’000
               Employee expense:
                  Wages and salaries and other benefits                                   36,558     33,345
                  Contributions to KiwiSaver                                                870        800
                  Directors' fees                                                           453        370
                  Directors' retiring allowance                                              62         70
                                                                                          37,943     34,585

               Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (see note 15)                 2,074      1,915
               Depreciation of right-of-use-assets (see note 18)                           7,776         0
               Amortisation of intangible assets (see note 16)                              605        577
               Change in loss allowance (see note 12.3)                                      (39)      234
               (Gain)/loss on disposal of plant, property and equipment                      (51)        4
               Gain arising on forward exchange contracts                                    (98)       (18)
               Insurance costs                                                              638        375
               Other expenses                                                               362         64
               Total other operating expenses                                             50,484     45,868

               8.   Net interest expense
                                                                                            2020       2019
                                                                                            $’000     $’000
               8.1.  Interest Income
                   Interest on deposits and use of interest money received                   (17)       (43)
                                                                                             (17)       (43)
               8.2.  Interest expense
                   Interest and finance charges on bank overdrafts and loans                340        336
                   Interest on obligations under finance leases                               0          6
                   Interest expense on lease liabilities                                   2,906         0
                   Interest expense on interest rate swaps                                  225        208
                   Unrealised gain arising on interest rate swaps                            (52)       (37)
                                                                                           3,419       513

               Total net interest expense                                                  3,402       470

               9.   Rebate dividends and dividends
                                                                                            2020       2019
                                                                                            $’000     $’000
               Amounts recognised as distributions to shareholders in the year:
               Dividends                                                                    882        863
               Rebate dividends                                                            4,740      3,963
               Total rebate dividends and dividends                                        5,622      4,826

                                               NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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