Page 47 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 47

               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020

               10.3. Deferred taxation

               The following table details the major deferred income tax liabilities and assets recognised by the Group and the movements during
               the current and prior year.

                                                                          Adjustment    Credited/
                                                               Balance at   on adoption   (charged) to   Balance at
                                                               1/04/2019  of NZ IFRS 16  profit or loss  31/03/2020
                                                                   $’000       $’000      $’000       $’000
               Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets  250          0          (9)        241
               Trade and other receivables                          95           0           8         103
               Right to returned goods asset                       (378)         0          85        (293)
               Inventories                                         136           0          59         195
               Right-of-use assets                                   0      (11,331)     (2,450)    (13,781)
               Refund liability                                    534           0         (108)       426
               Provisions and accruals                            1,069          0         (177)       892
               Lease liabilities                                     0       11,417       2,900      14,317
               Deferred taxation                                  1,706         86         308       2,100

                                                               Balance at             (charged) to   Balance at
                                                               1/04/2018              profit or loss  31/03/2019
                                                                   $’000                  $’000       $’000
               Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets  399                    (149)       250
               Trade and other receivables                         148                      (53)        95
               Right to returned goods asset                         0                     (378)      (378)
               Inventories                                         207                     (71)        136
               Refund liability                                      0                     534         534
               Provisions and accruals                             915                     154        1,069
               Deferred taxation                                  1,669                     37       1,706

               The Group is satisfied that sufficient taxable profits will be generated to utilise the deferred tax assets in the future.

               11.   Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities
                                                                                            2020       2019
                                                                                            $’000     $’000
               Net profit for the year                                                      270       2,805

               Non cash items:
               Depreciation of property plant and equipment                                2,074      1,915
               Amortisation of intangible assets                                            605        577
               Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                         7,776         0
               Movement in deferred taxation                                                (394)       (37)
               Net gains on financial liabilities at fair value                             (150)       (55)
               Non-cash rebate dividends and dividends                                     1,025       890
                                                                                          10,936      3,290

                                               NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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