Page 46 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 46

             Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020

             9.1.  Dividends

             Dividends on redeemable preference shares are authorised and payable quarterly in arrears (the quarterly periods end on the last
             days of February, May, August and November in each year). All dividends paid were fully imputed.

             9.2.  Rebate dividends
             On 27 June 2019 the company declared a gross rebate dividend for the year ended 31 March 2019 to all ordinary shareholders that
             was the greater of $300 or 5.0% of their Grade A cash. The 2019 rebate dividend was paid on 26 September 2019 to all ordinary
             shareholders on the share register on the date of payment who were not in default of their monthly obligations. The rebate dividend
             was fully imputed.

                                                                                           2020       2019
              9.3.  Imputation credit account
                                                                                          $’000      $’000
              Imputation credits available for future distribution                       12,762     10,834

             Imputation is a mechanism that a company uses to pass on credits for tax it has paid on its profits, to its shareholders when it pays

             10.  Taxation
                                                                                           2020       2019
                                                                                          $’000      $’000
              10.1.  Income tax expense
              The charge for the year can be reconciled to the profit before tax as follows:
              Profit before tax                                                           2,640      5,774
              Tax calculated at 28% (2019: 28%)                                            739       1,617

              Adjusted for the tax effect of:
              Non deductible expenditure                                                  1,686      1,369
              Reintroduction of tax depreciation on buildings                               48          0
              Income tax over provided in prior year                                       (103)      (17)
              Income tax expense                                                          2,370     2,969

              Income tax comprises:
              Current year income tax payable (see note 10.2)                             2,927      3,023
              Adjustments in respect of prior year                                         (163)      (17)
              Deferred taxation (see note 10.3)                                            (394)      (37)
              Income tax expense                                                          2,370     2,969

              10.2. Taxation payable
              The following table details the movement in income tax receivable/(payable) during the current and prior year.

              Balance at 1 April                                                         (2,182)    (1,570)
              Current year income tax payable                                            (2,927)    (3,023)
              Net taxation paid                                                           4,158      2,394
              Adjustments in respect of prior year                                         163         17
              Taxation payable                                                            (788)     (2,182)

                                             NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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