Page 68 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 68

             Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020

             For co-operative share capital the tables below reflect the Group’s contractual rights to delay repayment, although the holders of
             shares may request redemption at any time according to the terms of the shares held.

              Contractual maturities        Carrying   contractual   Less than    6 to 12   1 to 2    Over 2
              of financial liabilities      amount    cash flows  6 months    months       years      years
                                              $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000
              Interest rate swaps              452        369        131         88         91         59

              Trade and other payables      28,242     28,242      28,242         0          0          0
              Borrowings                     9,895     10,104         72         55       9,977         0
              Co-operative share capital:
                  Ordinary shares            7,755      7,755          0          0          0       7,755
                  *New redeemable preference   22,160   22,160         0          0          0      22,160
                  Other shares                  17         17          0          0          0         17
              Balance at 31 March 2020      68,521     68,647     28,445        143     10,068     29,991

              Contractual maturities        Carrying   contractual   Less than    6 to 12   1 to 2    Over 2
              of financial liabilities      amount    cash flows  6 months    months       years      years
                                              $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000
              Interest rate swaps              504        459        107        107        165         80
              Forward currency contracts        23         23         23          0          0          0

              Trade and other payables      25,370     25,370      25,370         0          0          0
              Borrowings                     7,855      8,368        152        152       8,064         0
              Co-operative share capital:
                  Ordinary shares            7,461      7,461          0          0          0       7,461
                  *New redeemable preference   20,274   20,274         0          0          0      20,274
                  Other shares                 164        164          0          0          0        164
              Balance at 31 March 2019      61,651     62,119     25,652        259      8,229     27,979

             * While the tables above reflect the Group’s contractual rights to delay repayment, the new redeemable preference shares include
             $825,497 (2019: $332,848) of shares that have fixed term dividend rates of 2 - 4 years. The holders of these fixed term shares are not
             able to request redemption until the specified term is complete. The holders of all other new redeemable preference shares (on call)
             may request redemption on a quarterly basis.

                                             NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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