Page 17 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 17



                                                   NZPM Group Limited is a co-operative
                                                   company and was established in 1964.

                                                   The board has adopted a formal corporate governance
                                                   programme, which identifies the functions and accountabilities
                                                   of the board and prescribes the objectives and standards by
                                                   which the board’s performance is measured. The board is fully
                                                   committed to excellence in corporate governance and has
                                                   adopted a board charter.

                                                   BOARD COMPOSITION
                                                   There are currently seven directors, all of whom are
                                                   non–executive directors.

                                                   Six directors are elected by the shareholders with two retiring by
                                                   rotation each year. This year at the Annual General Meeting,
                                                   Craig Coxhead and John DeBernardo retire by rotation and being
                                                   eligible offer themselves for re-election. Two appointed directors
                                                   may be elected by the board and they do not come up for
                                                   re-election by rotation. Linda Robertson was elected in August
                                                   2015 as the sole appointed director.

                                                   BOARD MEETINGS

                                                   Eleven board meetings were scheduled for the year.  During the
                                                   year, an additional three meetings took place on an “as required
                                                   basis”. A table of meetings attended is provided on page 21.

                                                   AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEE

                                                   The purpose of the Audit & Risk Committee is to provide a forum
                                                   for the effective communication between the board and the
                                                   external auditors. The committee also provides advice, assurance
                                                   and observations to the board relating to the effectiveness and
                                                   adequacy of financial internal controls and risk management
                                                   systems, processes and activities across NZPM. Members of the
                                                   Audit & Risk Committee are Linda Robertson (Chair), Alister
                                                   Lawrence and Stu McIvor.

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