Page 19 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 19


                  The Group has arranged directors’ and officers’   NZPM acknowledges that our future success is
                  liability insurance that covers directors and   critically linked to our people. The company will
                  executives for personal liability as permitted by   continue to value and grow diversity, ensuring its
                  the Companies Act 1993. The Group has provided   leadership, management and employees both
                  an indemnity to each of the directors, general   reflect and are supportive of the diverse range of
                  managers and the Group CFO.                    individuals and groups within our society.

                                                                 With the increasingly competitive landscape
                  ENVIRONMENT                                    for talent, we have set a clear expectation
                                                                 throughout the business to attract a range of
                  NZPM is committed to being an environmentally   candidates that include skilled people with the
                  responsible corporate citizen and has a culture of   right competencies and fit with our values.
                  continuous improvement to reduce our impact on
                  the environment. NZPM is focused on influencing
                  sustainable practices wherever we can in       Over the coming year we will focus on increasing
                  the NZ commercial and residential plumbing     brand awareness for attraction specifically in
                  sectors.  We are continually looking to improve   relation to women and youth in the industry.
                  our environmental performance within our own
                  business and in partnership with suppliers     The following tables set out the number of men
                  and customers.                                 and women at different levels of NZPM as at
                                                                 31 March 2017.
                  Each Plumbing World branch has a recycling
                  programme which is made available to our                            FEMALE           MALE
                  customers for packaging materials, waste PVC
                  products and brass tailings. We also work with our           COUNT       %  COUNT       %
                  customers and suppliers to ensure that          Directors         1    13%       6    86%
                  we are able to meet their environmental         Leadership
                  policy objectives.                              Team 1            3    38%       5    63%
                  The majority of the Group’s vehicle fleet is less   Workforce   165    37%     279    63%
                  than four years old with each newer vehicle    1 The Leadership Team consists of direct reports to the board and
                  generally having lower emissions than the older   the senior leadership team of Plumbing World.
                  vehicle. Over the past 24 months, a programme
                  to progressively upgrade our forklift fleet has
                  replaced approximately one-half of our forklifts   NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES/YEARS
                  with newer lower emission units.               OF AGE

                  Plumbing World has a policy of installing low   140
                  energy LED lighting in all new and upgraded    120
                  branches to support energy saving initiatives   100
                  and extend the product life of lighting systems.   80
                  Plumbing World has a nationwide waste care      60
                  supplier to support branch recycling objectives.  40
                                                                     Up to 20  21–30  31–40  41–50  51–60  60 and over

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