Page 18 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 18


            COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE                           AUDITORS

            The role of the Compliance Committee is to     It is proposed that Deloitte continue in office in
            regularly review compliance with non-financial   accordance with Section 200 of the Companies
            statutory and regulatory requirements. Members   Act 1993.
            of the Compliance Committee are Alister
            Lawrence (Chair), John DeBernardo and
            Mark Whitehead.                                MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE
                                                           The Membership Committee reviews shareholder
            CONFLICTS COMMITTEE                            prerequisites and benefits. Members of the
                                                           Membership Committee are Stu McIvor (Chair),
            The committee reviews and approves a proposed   Craig Coxhead and Craig McCord.
            external position or board appointment for a
            director where a conflict could arise. Members are
            John DeBernardo and one other non-conflicted   REMUNERATION COMMITTEE
            director appointed on an as required basis.
                                                           The Remuneration Committee makes
                                                           recommendations to the board in respect of
            HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE                    the terms of employment and the remuneration
                                                           policies and arrangements for the members
            The role of the Health and Safety Committee is   of the senior executive group. Members of the
            to assist the board to fulfill its responsibilities and   Remuneration Committee are Mark Whitehead
            to ensure compliance with all legislative and   (Chair), John DeBernardo and Linda Robertson.
            regulatory requirements in relation to the health
            and safety practices of the Group. Members of
            the Health and Safety Committee are            USE OF THE COMPANY
            Craig McCord (Chair), Craig Coxhead and        INFORMATION
            John DeBernardo.
                                                           During the year the Group received no notice
                                                           from the directors requesting to use company
            LIAISON COMMITTEE – MASTER                     information received in their capacity as directors
            PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS &                         which would not otherwise have been available
                                                           to them.
            DRAINLAYERS NZ

            This committee is the formal liaison with MPGDNZ
            on behalf of the company. It advises and keeps   DONATIONS
            the board informed on MPGDNZ matters and       During the year the Group made donations
            is to foster good two way communication and    and sponsorship of $12,254, (2016: $2,814).
            strong relationships. The Committee builds on the
            ongoing communication at management level
            of both organisations. Members are Stu McIvor
            (Chair), Craig Coxhead and Craig McCord.

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