Page 20 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 20


            ANNUAL RESOLUTION BY                           Each company includes health, safety and
            DIRECTORS OF CO-OPERATIVE                      wellbeing as one of their principle values.
                                                           At a board and executive level we are committed
            Pursuant to Section 10 of the Co-operative     to improving our safety performance, investing
            Companies Act 1996 on 29 June 2017, the        in safety, spending time to understand the issues
            directors resolved:                            and implementing robust safety processes.
            •  That in the opinion of the board of directors,
               NZPM Group Ltd has throughout the financial   Strategic management, monitoring and
               year ended 31 March 2017 been a co-         review is provided through the health and
               operative company as defined by Section 3 of   safety committee who meet bimonthly with
               the Co-operative Companies Act 1996.        management and ensure that the board is
            •  The reasons for this opinion are that the   fully informed of health and safety issues and
               company has:                                performance outcomes.
                a. Supplied their voting shareholders with
                  goods and services via a subsidiary      As an organisation we put safety first and
                  company;                                 encourage all employees to take personal
                                                           responsibility for their own safety as well as the
                b.  Retained the one vote per transacting   safety of their colleagues, customers, contractors
                  shareholder rule; and                    and visitors.
                c.  Continued to promote the principles of the
                  co-operative enterprises.                NZPM continues to provide development
                                                           programmes to ensure health and safety
            DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS                           standards are met and clarity of minimum
                                                           expectations. All employees are inducted and
            John DeBernardo, Craig Coxhead, Alister        trained to ensure they are fully aware of their
            Lawrence, Craig McCord, Stu McIvor, and Mark   obligations and that they have the necessary
            Whitehead are directors of companies which     knowledge and skills to perform their duties.
            regularly trade with Plumbing World on normal
            trading terms.                                 We record accidents and incidents as well as
                                                           near misses. The culture of reporting all near miss
            Stu McIvor has an interest in a property that is   incidents has seen our recordable near miss
            leased to Plumbing World. John DeBernardo      incidents triple over the prior year. Monitoring
            has an interest in a property that was leased to   these metrics allows us to focus on minimising
            Plumbing World in April 2017. Both properties have   risks and creating improvements at all levels of
            formal lease agreements and rent is based on   the organisation.
            commercial rates.
                                                           Continued focus on reducing the number of
                                                           safety incidents and accidents has resulted in a
            HEALTH & SAFETY                                further decrease in Lost Time Injury days, over the
                                                           past 5 years dropping from 44 to 9 days. Despite
            Health and safety continues to be a key priority.
            NZPM and its subsidiaries have formal health   our progress, injuries still occur. During the past
            and safety policies that outline the company’s   year, 25 employees suffered injuries that resulted
            commitment to health and safety.               in medical treatment; 4 of which resulted in time
                                                           off from the business.

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