Page 54 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 54

             Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020

             Sensitivity analysis

             In relation to the goodwill attached to the CGU, it is estimated that a +1% movement in the terminal growth rate used in the calculation
             would result in a corresponding movement in the recoverable amount of $26.5 million; a -1% movement in the terminal growth
             rate used in the calculation would result in a corresponding movement in the recoverable amount of ($18.8 million). Similarly a +1%
             movement in the discount rate would alter the recoverable amount by ($23.0 million).

             17.   Subsidiaries
             Subsidiaries at year end are listed below.

                                                                                     Percentage ownership (%)
              Name of entity                          Principal activity                  2020        2019
              Plumbing World Limited                  Wholesale and retail plumbing supplier  100     100
              Metrix Imports Limited                  Wholesale and retail plumbing supplier  100     100
              NZPM Properties Limited                 Property ownership                  100         100
             All subsidiaries are incorporated and operate in New Zealand. The financial year end date for all subsidiaries is 31 March.

             There are no significant restrictions (e.g. resulting from borrowing arrangements or regulatory requirements) on the ability of
             subsidiaries to transfer funds to the Parent in the form of cash dividends or to repay loans or advances.

             18.  Leases (Group as a lessee)

                                                                              Property   Vehicles     Total
              18.1.  Right-of-use assets
                                                                                $’000      $’000     $’000
              Cost of NZ IFRS 16                                              38,222      2,245     40,467
              Additions of assets                                             14,081      1,102     15,183
              Adjustments arising from changes in future lease payments        1,344         0       1,344
                                                                              53,647      3,347     56,994

              Accumulated depreciation
              Depreciation for the period                                      (6,494)    (1,282)   (7,776)
                                                                               (6,494)    (1,282)   (7,776)

              Carrying amount at 31 March 2020                                47,153      2,065     49,218

             18.2. Lease periods
             During the period, the Group had 59 individual property leases that make up a nationwide network of locations for Plumbing World
             Limited and 2 locations for Metrix Imports Limited. In general, property leases are entered for an initial period of 4 to 8 years with most
             having contract terms that allow for further rights of renewal.

             The Group has approximately 140 motor vehicle leases (mainly cars and utility vehicles) which are typically leased for a period of
             approximately 4 years and are generally not extended beyond the initial lease period.

             Remaining lease duration at 31 March 2020:
               Property                      0 – 15 years
               Vehicles and other assets      0 – 5 years

                                             NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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