Page 59 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 59

               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020


               The Group recognises a liability and expense for incentives payable to employees where either a contractual or constructive
               obligation arises to pay an employee on achieving an agree level of individual and company performance. Incentives are to be paid
               out within the next 6 months of the reporting date, (except those relating to the Executive Incentive Scheme).

               Make good provision

               The Group has an obligation to restore certain leased premises to their original condition when the lease expires. This provision
               represents the estimated expenditure required to remove any leasehold improvements and restore the affected areas.

               26.  Co-operative share capital
                                                                                            2020       2019
                                                                                            $’000      $’000
               The movements in shares by class for the Group are as follows:

               On issue at 1 April                                                        27,758     26,917
               Net issues/(redemptions/transfers):
                  Ordinary shares                                                           294        140
                  ‘Old’ redeemable preference shares (RPS)                                    (6)       (40)
                  ‘New’ redeemable preference shares (New RPS)                             1,886       741
               On issue at 31 March                                                       29,932     27,758

               Ordinary shares
               8,963,982 (2019: 8,765,625) ordinary shares of $1 each                      8,964      8,766
               less uncalled and unpaid capital                                            (1,209)   (1,305)
                                                                                           7,755      7,461
               'Old' redeemable preference shares (RPS)
               17,064 (2019: 22,758) redeemable preference shares of $1 each fully paid      17         23

               'New' redeemable preference shares (New RPS)
               21,334,124 (2019: 19,941,008) new redeemable preference shares of $1 each fully paid  21,334   19,941
               321,191 (2019: 189,049) FR24 redeemable preference shares of $1 each fully paid  321    189
               355,310 (2019: 56,225) FR36 redeemable preference shares of $1 each fully paid  356      56
               148,996 (2019: 87,574) FR48 redeemable preference shares of $1 each fully paid  149      88
                                                                                          22,160     20,274

               Shares on issue at 31 March                                                29,932     27,758

               Share subscriptions in advance                                                 0        141
               Total co-operative share capital                                           29,932     27,899

               Classified as:
               Non-current                                                                29,932     27,899

                                               NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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