Page 58 - NZPM Annual Report 2020
P. 58

             Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020

                                                                                           2020       2019
                                                                                          $’000      $’000
              The gross maturity analysis of the lease liabilities is as follows:
              Not later than 1 year                                                       8,816         0
              1 year up to 2 years                                                        8,046         0
              2 years up to 3 years                                                       7,734         0
              3 years up to 4 years                                                       6,883         0
              4 years up to 5 years                                                       6,137         0
              5 years and later                                                          28,590         0
              Gross payments due                                                         66,206         0
              Less:  Unearned interest                                                  (15,074)        0
              Total lease liabilities                                                    51,132         0

             25.  Provisions
                                                                                           2020       2019
                                                                                          $’000      $’000
              Current liabilities
              Annual leave provision                                                      1,417      1,392
              Incentives provision                                                        1,609      1,429
              Make good provision                                                           80          0
              Total current provisions                                                    3,106      2,821

              Non-current liabilities
              Incentives provision                                                         107          0
              Make good provision                                                            0         80
              Long service leave provision                                                 287        273
              Directors' retiring allowance provision                                      214        263
              Total non-current provisions                                                 608        616

              Total provisions                                                            3,714     3,437

                                                                                Long    Directors’
                                             Annual                           service    retiring
              25.1.  Movement in provisions   leave   Incentives  Make good     leave   allowance     Total

                                              $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000      $’000
              At 1 April 2019                1,392      1,429         80        273        263      3,437
              Additional provision in the year  2,640   1,497         60         58         62       4,317
              Utilisation of provision       (2,615)    (1,210)      (60)       (44)      (111)     (4,040)
              At 31 March 2020               1,417      1,716         80        287        214      3,714

             Employee benefit obligations
             These provisions relate to the Group’s liability for employee benefits as per employment contracts and director benefits in accordance
             with the Constitution. The liability is measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled. Based on past
             experience, the Group expects all employees to take the full amount of accrued annual leave, or to be paid out, within the next 12
             months of the reporting date. Long service leave and directors retiring allowances are not expected to be taken or paid within the
             next 12 months of the reporting date.

                                             NZPM GROUP LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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