Page 38 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 38



            For the year ended 31 March 2017

            right of offset, and included as a component of   Financial assets carried at fair value through
            cash and cash equivalents in the statement of   profit or loss are initially recognised at fair
            cash flows.                                    value. Realised and unrealised gains arising
                                                           from changes in fair value are included in the
            Cash flows are included in the statement of cash   statement of financial performance.
            flows net of goods and services tax.
                                                           Loans and receivables are carried at amortised
            Trade and other receivables                    cost less any impairment.
            Trade and other receivables are recognised at
            cost less any provision for impairment. All trade   Available-for-sale financial assets are carried at
            receivables are individually reviewed regularly   fair value. Unrealised gains and losses arising
            for impairment as part of normal operating     from changes in fair value are recognised in
            procedures and provided for where appropriate,   other comprehensive income, except for foreign
            refer to note 9.                               exchange movements in monetary assets which
                                                           are recognised in the statement of financial
                                                           performance. When available-for-sale financial
            A provision for impairment of trade receivables   assets are sold, the accumulated fair value
            is established when there is objective evidence   adjustments are included in the statement of
            that the Group will not be able to collect all   financial performance as gains or losses.
            amounts due according to the original terms of
            receivables. Bad debts are written-off when they
            are considered to have become uncollectable.   Fair value estimation
                                                           The Group uses various valuation methods to
            Inventories                                    determine the fair value of certain assets and
                                                           liabilities. The inputs to the valuation methods
            Inventories are measured at the lower of       used to measure fair value are categorised into
            cost (weighted average cost method) and        three levels:
            net realisable value, after due allowance for
            damaged and obsolete stock.
                                                           •  Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active
                                                             markets for identical assets or liabilities.
            Net realisable value is the estimated selling price
            in the ordinary course of business, less applicable   •  Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices
            variable selling expenses.                       included within level 1 that are observable
                                                             for the asset or liability, either directly (that is,
            Financial assets                                 as   prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from
            The Group classifies its financial assets as:    prices).
                                                           •  Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are
            •  Financial assets at fair value through profit    not based on observable market data (that is,
               or loss;                                      unobservable inputs).
            •  Loans and receivables; and
            •  Available-for-sale financial assets.
                                                           The carrying amounts of the Group’s assets
            The classification depends on the purpose      are reviewed at each balance sheet date
            for which the investments were acquired.       to determine whether there is any objective
            Management determines the classification of its   evidence of impairment. Impairment is deemed to
            investments at initial recognition and re-evaluates   occur when the recoverable amount of an asset
            this designation at every reporting date.

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