Page 39 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 39

falls below its carrying value.  Impairment losses   The Group holds derivative instruments until expiry
                  directly reduce the carrying amount of assets and   except where the underlying rationale from a risk
                  are recognised in profit or loss.              management point of view changes, such as
                                                                 when the underlying asset or liability which the
                  Non-financial assets are reviewed at each      instrument hedges no longer exists, in which case
                  reporting date to determine whether there are   early termination occurs.
                  any indicators that the carrying amount may
                  not be recoverable. If any such indicators exist,   Derivative financial instruments are initially
                  the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. The   recorded at fair value and are then revalued to
                  recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s   fair value at balance date. The gain or loss on
                  fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In   revaluation is recorded in profit or loss.  The fair
                  assessing value in use, the estimated future   values of derivative financial instruments are
                  cash flows are discounted to their present value   determined by applying quoted market prices,
                  using a discount rate that reflects current market   where available, or by using inputs that are
                  assessments of the time value of money and     observable for the asset or liability.
                  the risks specific to the asset. An impairment
                  loss is recognised in the statement of financial   Non-derivative financial instruments
                  performance for the amount by which the asset’s
                  carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount.   Non-derivative financial instruments comprise
                  For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets   investments, trade and other receivables, cash
                  are grouped at the lowest level for which there   and cash equivalents, loans and borrowings
                  are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-  including share capital, and trade and other
                  generating units).                             payables.

                  Financial assets carried at amortised cost are   VALUATION OF LIABILITIES
                  assessed each reporting date for impairment.
                  If there is objective evidence of impairment,    Taxation
                  the difference between the asset’s carrying    Current and deferred taxation are calculated
                  amount and the present value of estimated      on the basis of tax rates enacted or substantively
                  future cash flows, discounted at the financial   enacted at reporting date, and are recognised
                  asset’s original effective interest rate, where   in the statement of financial performance
                  appropriate, is recognised in the statement of   except when the tax relates to items charged
                  financial performance.                         or credited to other comprehensive income, in
                                                                 which case the tax is also recognised in other
                                                                 comprehensive income.
                  Derivative financial instruments               The preparation of the financial statements
                                                                 requires management to make estimates about
                  Derivative financial instruments, including foreign
                  exchange contracts and interest rate swaps, are   items that are not known at balance date or
                  utilised to reduce exposure to market risks.   prior to the Group reporting its final result. These
                                                                 items may ultimately affect the amount of tax
                                                                 payable by the Group. Judgements are also
                  The Group treasury policy specifically prohibits the   required about the application of income tax
                  use of derivative financial instruments for trading   legislation. These judgements and assumptions
                  or speculative purposes. All the Group’s derivative   are subject to risk and uncertainty, hence there
                  financial instruments are held to hedge risk on   is a possibility that changes in circumstances will
                  underlying assets, liabilities and forecast and   alter expectations, which may impact the amount
                  committed trading transactions.                of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

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