Page 37 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 37

‘Capital work in progress’ includes the cost of   of goodwill impairment testing is based on a
                  materials, services, labour and direct production   calculated weighted average cost of capital.
                  overheads.                                     The weighted average cost of capital is based
                                                                 on the cost of debt and cost of equity weighted
                  Leased assets                                  accordingly between the relative percentages
                                                                 of debt and equity. The cost of debt is the actual
                  Leases under which the Group assumes           cost of debt and the cost of equity is calculated
                  substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership   using the capital asset pricing model.  These
                  are classified as finance leases.  Upon initial   calculations require the use of estimates as to
                  recognition, the leased assets are measured at   future profitability of the relevant business units
                  amounts equal to the lower of their fair value   to which goodwill has been allocated and the
                  and the present value of the minimum lease     choice of a suitable discount rate in order to
                  payments at inception of the lease. Subsequent   calculate the present value of those cash flows.
                  to initial recognition, the asset is accounted
                  for in accordance with the accounting policy
                  applicable to that asset.  Payments made       Computer software
                  under finance leases are apportioned between   Acquired computer software licences are
                  the finance expense and the reduction of the   capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to
                  outstanding liability.  The finance cost portion of   acquire and bring to use the specific software.
                  lease payments is expensed to profit or loss over
                  the lease period.                              Costs associated with developing or maintaining
                                                                 computer software are recognised as an expense
                  Other leases are classified as operating leases   as incurred. Costs that are directly associated
                  and the leased assets are not recognised in    with the development of identifiable and unique
                  the Group’s statement of financial position.   software products controlled by the Group, and
                  Payments made under operating leases (net      that will generate probable economic benefit
                  of any incentives received) are recognised     exceeding the costs beyond one year, are
                  as an expense in the statement of financial    recognised as intangible assets. Costs include
                  performance on a straight-line basis over the term   the employee costs incurred as a result of
                  of the lease.                                  developing software and an appropriate portion
                                                                 of relevant overheads.
                  Intangible assets
                  Intangible assets (other than goodwill) acquired   Development expenditure is capitalised only if
                  separately are measured on initial recognition   development costs can be measured reliably,
                  at cost. Following initial recognition, intangibles   the product or process is technically and
                  (other than goodwill) are carried at cost less any   commercially feasible, future economic benefits
                  accumulated amortisation and accumulated       are probable, and the Group intends to and has
                  impairment losses.                             sufficient resources to complete development and
                                                                 to use or sell the asset.
                                                                 Cash and cash equivalents
                  Goodwill is recorded at cost less any
                  accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is     Cash and cash equivalents include cash on
                  allocated to cash-generating units and is not   hand, demand deposits and current accounts
                  amortised. Goodwill and any other intangible   in banks. Bank overdrafts that are repayable on
                  assets with indefinite useful lives are tested   demand and form an integral part of the Group’s
                  for impairment at each reporting date, either   cash management are included in current
                  individually or at the cash-generating unit    liabilities in the balance sheet, unless there is a
                  level. The discount rate used for the purposes

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