Page 45 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 45

2017     2016
                                                                                             $’000     $’000
                   Movement in working capital:
                   Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                          820    (5,661)
                   Increase in inventories                                                    (830)     (201)
                   Increase in taxation payable                                                630      588
                   Increase in trade and other payables                                      1,099     6,713
                   Increase in provisions                                                      672        7
                                                                                             2,391     1,446

                   Net cash generated by operating activities                                7,401     4,888

                  8. DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS

                  Disposal of the refrigeration operations
                  The sale of Patton Group was completed and settled on 1 April 2015, on which date control of the
                  refrigeration operations passed to the acquirer, Beijer Ref AB.  The disposal of the refrigeration operations is
                  consistent with the Group’s long-term policy to focus its activities on the plumbing market.

                  The results for the year from discontinued operations, included in the statement of financial performance and
                  other comprehensive income are set out below.

                   (i) Loss for the year from discontinued operations
                     Foreign exchange loss on investment recognised                                   (4,271)
                     Other operating expenses                                                           (121)
                   Loss for the year from discontinued operations                                     (4,392)

                   Attributable to:
                   Co-operative shareholders of the Group                                             (4,392)

                   (ii) Cash flows from discontinued operations
                      Net cash outflows from operating activities                                       (121)
                      Net cash inflows from investing activities                                      29,798
                   Net cash inflows                                                                   29,677

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