Page 49 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 49

Key assumptions with respect to the value in use calculations include:
                  •  Revenue growth rates ranging from 2% to 5% during the 5 year forecast period (2016: 2% to 5%).
                  •  Terminal growth rate of 3% (2016: 3%)
                  •  Post tax weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 9% (2016: 9%).

                  At year end the carrying amount of the CGU, including goodwill, was determined to be lower than the
                  recoverable amount; as such no impairment loss has arisen. There is adequate headroom in the CGU
                  impairment test, (approximately $41,200,000), but the calculation for this goodwill is sensitive to relatively small
                  movements in the key assumptions, particularly the forecast growth rate and cash flows during the 5 year
                  forecast period and the WACC.

                  (ii) Sensitivity analysis
                  In relation to the goodwill attached to the CGU, it is estimated that a +1% movement in the terminal
                  growth rate used in the calculation would result in a corresponding movement in the recoverable amount
                  of $15,000,000; a -1% movement in the terminal growth rate used in the calculation would result in a
                  corresponding movement in the recoverable amount of ($10,000,000). Similarly a +1% movement in the
                  discount rate would alter the recoverable amount by ($13,000,000) and a -1% movement in the discount rate
                  would alter the recoverable amount by $18,000,000.

                  13. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES

                                                                                              2017     2016
                                                                                             $’000     $’000
                   Investments in associates                                                 2,627     2,635

                  (a) Associates
                  The Group’s investments in associates in 2017 and 2016 are:

                                                                            Country of
                   Name of entity                  Principal activity                            Interest
                                                                                              2017     2016
                   Aquatherm NZ Limited            Plumbing Supplies Importer  New Zealand    31.25%  31.25%
                   Construction Marketing Services   Building Services      New Zealand       12.50%  12.50%
                   Limited                         Consultancy
                  All of the associates are equity accounted by the Group. The balance date of both associates is 31 March.

                  Although Plumbing World Limited only holds 12.5% of the equity shares in Construction Marketing Services Ltd,
                  the Group exercises significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint one out of three directors
                  to the board of directors of that company.

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