Page 41 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 41

to the Group and the revenue can be reliably   The useful lives and residual value of the assets
                  measured, regardless of when payment is made.   are, at the end of each accounting period,
                  Revenue is measured at the fair value of the   reassessed and adjusted if significant.
                  consideration received or receivable. Specific
                  accounting policies are as follows:            Finance costs
                                                                 Finance costs comprise interest expenses on
                  Sale of goods                                  borrowings and losses on derivative instruments
                  Revenue comprises amounts received and         that are recognised in profit or loss.
                  receivable by the Group for goods and services
                  supplied in the ordinary course of business.   Rebate dividends
                  Revenue is stated net of returns, trade discounts   The total amount of rebate dividends paid are
                  and goods and services tax (GST). Revenue from   approved by the board of directors on an
                  the sale of goods is recognised in the statement   annual basis.
                  of financial performance when the significant risks
                  and rewards of ownership have been transferred
                  to the buyer.                                  The rebate dividend is only paid to ordinary
                                                                 shareholders of NZPM Group Limited and is
                                                                 calculated according to the promptness of
                  Finance income
                                                                 payments and total amounts received by
                  Finance income comprises interest income on    Plumbing World Limited, (a subsidiary of the
                  funds invested and on deposit, and on loans    Group). The rebate dividend is fully imputed for
                  to related parties. Interest income is recognised   tax purposes (including dividend withholding tax).
                  in the statement of financial performance as it   Rebate dividends are paid out of tax paid profits
                  accrues, using the effective interest method    and are therefore deemed to be dividends for
                  where appropriate.                             tax purposes.

                  Other income                                   Capital commitments
                  Dividend income is recognised on the date that   Commitments shown are for those asset
                  the Group’s right to receive payment           purchases authorised and contracted for as at
                  is established.                                reporting date but not provided for in the financial
                                                                 statements, converted at the year end exchange
                                                                 rate (if required).
                  Depreciation and amortisation                  Goods and services tax (GST)
                  Depreciation of property, plant and equipment,   The statement of financial performance and
                  (other than commercial land which is not       other comprehensive income and statement of
                  depreciated), and amortisation of finite life   cash flows have been presented with all items
                  intangible assets are calculated on a straight-line   exclusive of GST. All items in the statement of
                  basis so as to expense the cost of the assets to   financial position are stated net of GST, with the
                  their expected residual values over their estimated   exception of receivables and payables, which
                  useful lives as follows:                       include GST invoiced.
                  •  Plant and equipment             1-10 years
                                                                 The net amount of GST recoverable from, or
                  •  Leasehold improvements           10 years
                                                                 payable to, the taxation authority is included as
                  •  Motor vehicles                   4-6 years  part of receivables or payables.
                  •  Computer equipment               3-5 years
                  •  Software                        3-10 years

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