Page 40 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 40



            For the year ended 31 March 2017

            recognised in the statement of financial position   the obligation, and the provision can be reliably
            and the amount of the other tax losses and     measured.
            temporary differences not yet recognised. In such
            circumstances, some or all of the carrying     Employee entitlements
            amounts of recognised deferred tax assets and
            liabilities may require adjustment, resulting in a   Liabilities in respect of employee entitlements are
            corresponding credit or charge to the statement   recognised in exchange for services rendered
            of financial performance.                      during the accounting period, but which have
                                                           not yet been compensated as at reporting date.
                                                           These include annual leave, long service leave,
            Income tax                                     retirement leave and accrued compensation.
            Current tax assets and liabilities are measured
            at the amount expected to be recovered from or   Contingent liabilities
            paid to the relevant taxation authorities based   Judgements and estimates are applied to
            on the current period’s taxable income and any   determining the probability that an outflow of
            adjustments in respect of previous years.
                                                           resources will be required to settle an obligation.
                                                           These are made based on a review of the facts
            Deferred tax                                   and circumstances surrounding the event and
            Deferred income taxation is recognised in respect   advice from both external and internal parties.
            of temporary differences arising between the tax   Liabilities shown are for those in existence as at
            bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying   reporting date but not provided for in the
            amounts in the financial statements.           financial statements.

            Deferred income tax assets and unused tax      Co-operative share capital
            losses are only recognised to the extent that it   Ordinary shares, development shares and
            is probable that future taxable amounts will be   redeemable preference  shares (RPS) are
            available against which to utilise those temporary   classified as co-operative share capital.
            differences and losses.
                                                           When shares are acquired, the amount of the
                                                           consideration paid is recognised directly as a
            Borrowings                                     liability. Shares are accounted for as a liability
            Interest bearing borrowings are initially recognised   because under the Co-operative Companies Act
            at fair value on transaction date, net of      1996, under certain conditions specified in the Act,
            transaction costs incurred. They are subsequently   shareholders have the right to surrender shares in
            stated at amortised cost using the effective   the Group and receive payment.
            interest rate method, where appropriate.
                                                           Dividends on RPS and rebate shares and rebate
            Trade and other payables                       dividends on ordinary shares are recognised as a
                                                           liability in the period in which they are approved
            Trade creditors and other liabilities are stated at   and declared by the board of directors.
            cost or estimated liability where accrued.

            Other liabilities                              INCOME DETERMINATION
            Provisions                                     Revenue recognition
            A provision is recognised when the Group has a   Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is
            present legal or constructive obligation as a result   probable that the economic benefits will flow
            of a past event, it is probable that an outflow

            of economic benefits will be required to settle

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