Page 53 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 53

The Group has entered into interest rate swaps to protect against the effect of interest rate movements on the
                  interest expense associated with a portion of its long-term borrowings. Swaps currently in place, $6,000,000
                  (2016: $8,000,000) cover approximately 92.3% (2016: 94.1%) of the secured bank loans outstanding. The
                  Group has contracted to pay a fixed rate of interest in return for receiving payments based on a variable rate
                  of interest. The fixed interest rates average 6.01% (2016: 6.52%). The variable rates are set at the 90 day bank
                  bill settlement rate, which at balance date was 2.00% (2016: 2.56%). The contracts require settlement of net
                  interest receivable or payable each 90 days as appropriate, and are settled on a net basis.

                  On the 1 November 2016 the Group closed out $2,000,000 of interest rate swaps for a payment of $214,450
                  (2016: $4,000,000 for a payment of $548,000).

                  17. PROVISIONS
                                                                                              2017     2016
                                                                                             $’000     $’000

                   (i) Employee entitlements
                     Balance at the beginning of the year                                    2,431     2,289
                     Additional provisions made during the year                              3,319     2,666
                     Provisions used during the year                                         (2,647)  (2,524)
                   Balance at the end of the year                                            3,103     2,431

                   Classified as:
                   Current                                                                   2,594     1,997
                   Non-current                                                                 509      434
                                                                                             3,103     2,431

                  The provision for employee entitlements relates to employee benefits such as accrued annual leave, long
                  service leave, employee bonuses and sick leave. Most of the liability is expected to be incurred over the next
                  twelve months. A provision is also maintained for the payment of a retiring allowance for directors, $173,204
                  (2016: $115,139), in accordance with the Constitution.

                                                                                              2017     2016
                                                                                             $’000     $’000
                   (ii) Site restoration
                     Balance at the beginning of the year                                       80      215
                     Provisions used during the year                                             0      (135)
                   Balance at the end of the year                                               80       80

                   Classified as:
                   Non-current                                                                  80       80

                  An obligation exists to restore certain sites to their original condition. The estimated future obligations include
                  the cost of removing the fixtures and restoring the affected areas.

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