Page 58 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 58



            For the year ended 31 March 2017


            Interest rate derivatives
            The Group’s treasury policy requires a portion of the Group’s core debt to be fixed via interest rate derivates
            to protect the Group from exposure to fluctuations in interest rates. Accordingly, the Group has entered into
            interest rate swap contracts under which it is obliged to receive interest at variable rates and pay interest at
            fixed rates.

            Interest rate sensitivity
            At year end all loans are at fixed rates for defined periods of up to two months, after which interest rates will be
            reset. Additionally the Group has overnight deposits that are subject to fluctuations of interest rates. Excluding
            the impact of the interet rate swaps, if the Group’s year end loan and deposit rates had remained the same
            through the year and interest rates moved by 1% then the impact would be a $65,000 gain or loss on pre-tax
            profits (2016: $85,000).

            (iii) Price/commodity risk
            The Group does not trade in commodity instruments and therefore is not exposed to commodity
            price risk.

            (b) Credit risk
            In the normal course of business, the Group is exposed to counter party credit risks from trade debtors and
            transactions with financial institutions. The maximum exposure at year end is equal to the carrying value for
            cash and equivalents and trade and other receivables.

            The objective of the Group is to minimize the risk through evaluation and monitoring of the credit quality of
            customers and through control over credit in accordance with the credit policy. The potential risk is further
            minimized by having a spread of customers with no significant concentration of credit risk.

            Trade receivables
                                                                                        2017      2016
             Age of trade receivables:                                                  $’000    $’000

             0-30 days                                                                 18,421   17,290
             31-60 days                                                                 1,747    3,658
             61-90 days                                                                  482       696
             90+ days                                                                    641     1,732
             Total trade receivables                                                   21,291   23,376
             Less provision for credit notes                                            (140)       0
             Less allowance for doubtful debts                                          (273)     (400)
                                                                                       20,878   22,976

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