Page 57 - NZPM Annual Report 2017
P. 57


                  The Group is subject to a number of financial risks which arise as a result of its activities, including importing
                  and domestic trading.

                  Treasury activities are managed at the business unit level and governed by a Group treasury policy. The use
                  of derivative financial instruments is governed by Group policy approved by the board. The Group does not
                  engage in speculative transactions.

                  Details of significant accounting policies and the methods adopted, including the criteria for recognition and
                  the basis of measurement, are disclosed in note 1.

                  (a) Market risk
                  (i) Foreign currency risk
                  The Group operates internationally and has exposure to foreign currency risk as a result of transactions
                  denominated in foreign currencies from normal trading activities. Major trading currencies include the
                  Australian dollar, United States dollar, and Euro. The Group uses foreign exchange contracts, spot purchases of
                  foreign currency and foreign bank accounts to manage these exposures.

                  At year end, the Group had foreign exchange exposures relating to cash and creditors.

                  At balance date the Group had the following forward exchange contracts (notional amounts):

                                                                                              2017     2016
                                                                                             $’000     $’000
                   United States Dollar (USD)                                                1,051     1,062
                   European Community Euro (EUR)                                             1,044      834
                   Australian Dollar (AUD)                                                   1,147      712
                                                                                             3,242     2,608

                  (ii) Interest risk
                  The Group is exposed to interest rate risk as it borrows funds at both fixed and floating interest rates.
                  Interest rate risk is identified by forecasting cash flow requirements, short-term through to long-term.
                  The Group has floating rate borrowings used to fund on-going activities, which are repriced at the roll-
                  over dates.

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